Learning in the Broad General Education S1 – S3
Scottish Baccalaureate In Science
Physics is delivered at the following levels in the senior phase: National 3 to Advanced Higher.
National 3 – 5 Physics
Pupils are taught in mixed ability classes and have pupils from S4 – 6 in the same class. Pupils are assessed periodically, and based on their performance they are entered for certification between N3 – N5. Many learning conversations are held with pupils throughout the year to decide upon the level best-suited to each pupil. There are 3 units in each of these courses. There are different assessment requirements at each level:
N3 – completely internally assessed by teachers and quality assured by SQA. Pupils are required to pass Unit Assessments after each of the 3 units and complete a compulsory practical and report. N3 is graded Pass or Fail.
N4 – completely internally assessed by teachers and quality assured by the SQA. Pupils are required to pass Unit Assessments after each of the 3 units and complete a compulsory practical and report. In addition to this, pupils are required to pass a piece of research/practical-based course work (Value-added unit). N4 is graded Pass or Fail
N5 – Pupils are assessed throughout the year using examination standard questions. There is an assignment that is completed under examination conditions and is externally marked out of 20 by the SQA, which constitutes 20% of the final grade. There is also a final examination in the summer out of 100 which constitutes 80% of the final grade. N5 is graded A-D.
Higher Physics
Pupils are generally advised to have achieved at least a grade B in National 5 Physics in order to successfully progress onto Higher Physics. Classes are composed of both S5 and S6 pupils.
Pupils are required to pass Unit Assessments after each of 4 units and complete a compulsory practical and report. There is also an assignment that is completed under examination conditions and is externally marked out of 20 by the SQA which constitutes 17% of the final grade. There is also a final examination in the summer out of 130 which constitutes 83% of the final grade. Highers are graded A-D.
Advanced Higher Physics
Pupils are generally advised to have achieved at least a grade B at Higher Physics in order to successfully progress onto Advanced Higher Physics. Classes are usually exclusively composed of S6 pupils.
Pupils are required to pass Unit Assessments after each of 4 units. There is also an assignment/project that is a substantial piece of work where pupils are required to conduct their own research and produce it as a report. It usually requires several months of preparation and work before submission. Pupils are guided regularly on their project and there are regular check-point meetings with their teachers. The project is externally marked out of 30 by the SQA which constitutes 25% of the final grade. There is also a final examination in the summer out of 140 which constitutes 75% of the final grade. Advanced Highers are graded A-D.