Modern Languages

fra wrl spn


Staff members

Mrs R Ralston PT

Mrs A Scott

Mr D Gete

Ms A Shepherd


Welcome to Modern Languages

The ability to speak and understand a foreign language is very important in a number of ways, including when on holiday, when making new friends, when using the internet or for your future employment, perhaps if you have to deal with people from other countries.

Companies are much more likely to trade with a country if they have people working for them who are able to speak the country’s language instead of relying on speaking English.  This is becoming increasingly important in today’s world of work.

Learning a language is not only important for finding a job but can also be fun and can open up lots of new possibilities for you in terms of future travel and where you might live!


National Qualifications

NATIONAL 4 – National 4 Modern Languages Courses develop literacy skills by giving learners opportunities to read, listen, talk and write in a modern language and to reflect on how this relates to English. These Courses enable learners to understand and use a modern language, to apply their knowledge of a modern language, and to develop planning, research and language skills.


NATIONAL 5 – National 5 Modern Languages Courses develop literacy skills by giving learners opportunities to read, listen, talk and write in a modern language and to reflect on how this relates to English. These Courses enable learners to understand and use a modern language, to apply their knowledge of a modern language, and to develop planning, research and language skills.



The Higher qualification in Modern Languages gives learners the opportunity of reaching a stage where the language is used independently in confident and flexible ways. The course develops communicative competence to a level of some sophistication in a range of situations.

Higher Modern Languages Courses enable learners to read, listen, talk and write in a modern language, and to understand and use a modern language. Learners also develop language skills of translation, and apply knowledge and understanding of a modern language.



The Advanced Higher qualification in Modern Languages develops sophisticated abilities in using the language independently. The course offers learners the opportunity of developing their language skills within the contexts of personal, social and cultural issues, topical and cultural issues, and environmental issues.


Important links

lingoscope languages online
oye zut


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