
Faculty of Science

Brief description of Faculty

The Faculty of Science comprises Physics, Chemistry and Biology.  Our aim is to ensure that every pupil achieves their full potential in Science.  Inspiring pupils for further study of Science beyond school is one of our main goals.  We aim to ensure lessons are as stimulating and practically-based as possible, to spark a keen interest in Science in our pupils.

We are very well-equipped with 9 full-size laboratories and a small laboratory for work with senior pupils.  We are supported by a full-time Science Technician who also has her own preparation room.

Class sizes are restricted to 20 pupils in Science.

We are very fortunate to have access to a bookable class set of iPads and new laptop computers to allow pupils to employ digital literacy in their Science work.

We also have a thriving STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Club.  The club meets on Wednesdays at lunchtime.  New members are always warmly welcomed.

We hope the additional information in these pages answers any questions you may have about learning in the Science Faculty, but please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information about the Faculty.

Who’s Who in the Faculty of Science

Mrs C Hudgins – Biology
PT Faculty

Miss J Jewell – Biology
PT Faculty

Mrs H Allan – Biology

Mr J Hill – Biology

Mr S King – Biology

Ms L Collins – Physics

Ms S Holden – Physics

Ms C Illingworth – Chemistry

Ms R Moreland – Chemistry

Mr C Paul – Chemistry

Ms H Pierpoint – Chemistry



Learning in the Broad General Education S1 – S3

Senior Phase S4 – S6




Scottish Baccalaureate In Science


Staff Training!

Staff Training!

Construct a Crane Certificate

Construct a Crane Certificate

Regional winners in the construct a crane challenge

Regional winners in the construct a crane challenge

S1 Fun Organ Aprons

S1 Fun Organ Aprons





Weblinks – Useful revision notes and resources login and password are required but are available from teachers. – search the subject pages for information and past papers for each science subject.