Design & Technology

Aims of the Design & Technology Department:

We aim to develop technological capability in young people through the study of craft, design, engineering and graphics. We aim to help them gain an understanding of appropriate concepts and processes; the ability to apply knowledge and skills by thinking and acting confidently, creatively and with sensitivity.

We hope to make their time in the department an enjoyable and safe experience.

Pupils study work across all Design & Technology subjects during the Broad General Education Phase in S1 to S3.

In the Senior Phase we offer

  • Graphic Communication N4 to Advanced Higher
  • Engineering Science N4 to Advanced Higher
  • Design & Manufacture N4 to Advanced Higher
  • Practical Metalworking N4 & N5

Resources to aid study in all Design and Technology courses are available on GLOW. Pupils should speak to their individual teachers if they are unsure how to access this content.



Mrs J Leonard Stewart     –      Principle Teacher

Ms M Taylor

Ms A Walker

We are all qualified to teach all our subjects including Graphic Communication, Engineering Science, Practical Woodworking, Practical Metalworking and all BGE level courses.


Department Statement

In the Design & Technology faculty, we strive to help all our pupils achieve their learning goals regardless of their starting point. Pupils will have numerous opportunities to develop problem solving, interpersonal, time management and ICT skills throughout their journey in the faculty from several technology perspectives. Pupils will be empowered in all lessons to think outside the box and produce high quality work reflective of tomorrow’s technologies, and the world of work they will enter  


We want pupils to know that it’s OK to make mistakesthat learning without mistakes doesn’t allow for progress. We encourage our pupils to engage in project-based learning activities, in both the classroom and workshop, to develop and refine their creative thinking and presentation skills. Our pupils are confident, flexible and empowered to push the boundaries of modern technology, finding new ways to engage with the world around them. 


In the Design & Technology faculty, we assess our pupils every day as they engage and improve their learning. Everyone learns in a different way; we acknowledge every step our pupils make in their learning journeyOur pupils will be able to respond to a given problem in several ways, considering the answer from different industry viewpoints, as well as demonstrating skill in research and summary to reach a successful conclusion. Our pupils can and will produce high quality work in numerous forms, including practical joint work to tolerance, written reports based on mathematical truths, and conceptual graphics advertising products to a given market.  


When pupils leave the Design and Technology faculty, they will not only be responsible young adults, but confident and successful in their learning, motivated to effectively contribute to society as they enter the world of work. Equipped with a host of transferable skills, our young people will be engaged, empowered and motivated to succeed in whatever pathway they choose, and committed to lifelong learning. – Follow us! 


5G3 - Engineering Science

5G3 – Engineering Science


Developing the Young Workforce – Practical Metalwork in their “Mearsk” boiler suits.


3D CAD modelling with Graphic Communication students

3D CAD modelling with Graphic Communication students